Maria, new girl liz and I were the last ones to get up so we rode last in the taxi to work. Its raining today and it looks like itll be raining all day long. Today at work we are working on getting as much done as possible for the presentation next week. Everything here seems to take three times as long as it would anywhere else. There are always set backs and issues to deal with constantly. Not to mention the crappy internet. I drank lots of coffee at work today. Carla brought her whey protein powder to put in the coffee which makes it taste nice since there isn’t much in the way of milk (unless you want dry milk). At lunch we took a walk through market to get food for the weekend .I ended up buying new butter, more bread, tomato paste and some pasta. Also got some gin for the beach and a can of off brand Pringles. When we got back I ended up eating the entire thing of Pringles. Typical Ellen move! They were Spicy Thai Chilli flavor … sooo good. It rained the entire time we were out of the office. Coming back from our market trip I stepped in goat shit and got it all over my legs.
Second part of the day worked on shipment. Katie, Sarah, Nick and I said that we would stay a little later to help with the order that had to be ready by the end of the night. Each night Maria has been getting home later and later so we thought we would help her and the team get things done quicker. We were there a whole lot later then we originally thought. After 6 it gets really difficult to find a taxi driver that will take you to Elmina from Cape Coast so once it passed that time we figured that we might as well stay as long as we can lend a hand because we wouldn’t be able to get home in reasonable time. Good thing I had made a stop at the market today, I was starving so the bread I bought came in handy.
We ended up staying at the office well past eight o’clock. We had Amos take a cab with us so we weren’t such an obvious target for pick pocketers. So, sometimes when you’re traveling in Ghana you get the feeling that you will never make it home. There are always more obstacles that present themselves on any journey traveled. As we’re trying to get home our taxi driver is driving in the dark of night with no headlights. We don’t realize this till we’re the only car on the street and we cant see the road in front of us. This went on for longer then it should have. At some point the driver decided to pull over, I guess he realized it might not be the safest to drive in the dark of night without headlights. At this point we have turned around to look for a new taxi driver with headlight that can take us to Elmina. Mind you he is still driving, just in the opposite direction now…. Only in Ghana!! Anyway we finally stopped at a gas station where we then had to wait for the taxi driver to find another taxi driver to take us home. It was all finally figured out and we made it home in one piece, surprisingly.
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